47. Belief and Facts

2023-12-26T01:47:21+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

“It takes the same amount of effort to hold a negative belief as it does to hold a positive one. Make sure you choose beliefs that empower you rather than limit you.”

… Ruben Chavez

45. Happy Father’s Day

2023-12-26T01:43:26+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

"A father’s tears and fears are unseen, his love is unexpressed, but his care and protection remains as a pillar of strength throughout our lives."
… Ama H.Vanniarachchy

44. Look for Solutions

2023-12-26T01:41:13+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

“When you choose to focus more on solutions rather than problems, life becomes so much BRIGHTER !!! ”

… Judy Belmont

43. Habits and Goals

2023-12-26T01:37:30+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

“You don’t create your future. You create your daily habits, and they create your future.”

… Randy Gage

41. Generosity

2023-12-26T01:33:08+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

“Your greatness is not what you have, it’s what you give.”

… Alice Hocker

38. Thoughtful Actions

2023-12-26T01:27:21+00:00July 26, 2021|2021|

“Peaceful mind produces right values, right values produces right thoughts, right thoughts produce right actions”

… Mark Richardson

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