“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts,
events and outcomes.
It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.”
… Wade Boggs

A note by Remez:

Adopting a positive attitude as a way of life will help you cope more easily with your daily affairs of life, and would bring constructive changes into your life.
A positive attitude will make you an optimist, and help you avoid worries and negative thoughts.

Seven Tremendous Effects of Having a Positive Attitude:

1. Hope
You can focus on what can be done not on what was and on what is. You create a new reality for yourself and those around you.

2. Boost Self Confidence
We help boost our own self-esteem, self-confidence and also the self-confidence of those we interact with. By doing so, we help transform negative behaviors into positive ones and we go from being unhappy to being happy.

3. Positive Impact
By having a positive attitude, not only will you have a positive impact on people’s lives by constantly looking for ways to bring the GOOD on the surface through everything you do, but you will also have a positive impact on the world we all live in.

4. Awakening
You help people awaken by telling them how much you believe in them and by showing them how much you care about their needs and desires.

5. Meaningful Living
Lead by example; allow yourself to be a source of inspiration for many and know that by bringing meaning and purpose into your life you will inspire and help others do the same.

6. The Gift of Love
People look for inspiration, they look for role models, somebody from whom they can learn, somebody who can inspire and empower them, they look for somebody who can help heal their fears and unleash their hidden potential. And with a positive attitude, you help them find just that.

7. Happiness
You offer yourself and the whole world the gift of happiness. When you yourself get to a place where you can accept yourself completely, where you can be satisfied with who you are and what you have, you will be able to be happy with those around you also. The outside world is nothing more than a projection of our inner world

A positive attitude leads to happiness & success and can change your whole life.