Quote for the day:

“Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it.”

                                  … Elbert Hubbard

10 Habits that will make us Happier…. By Ryan

  1. Align Our Goals With What We Really Value.

Our goals and actions need to be aligned with what we uniquely value as individuals.

Set a goal that is aligned with something we uniquely value.

  1. Visualize The Absolute Best Case Scenario.

It is natural for us to envision “what could possibly go wrong” in a given situation.  In many cases this actually isn’t a bad thing.

We should also have the habit of “seeing the best” as well.  When we see the best, it gets us excited, and it provides us with a sense of hope, confidence and creativity.

  1. Give Our Very Best In Everything We Do.

We can control our actions, and we can control our attitude‒no matter what happens to us.

When we live each moment of our life with a sense that we are always giving our best, we will feel at peace.

We won’t have regrets, and no matter what happens to us we will hold our heads up high knowing that we did our best.

  1. Move Towards What Scares Us.

Fear stops us from fulfillment. A habit of moving towards fear should be done in small, measurable steps.

Over time (as this becomes a habit) you will be amazed at your growth. It is the victory of the self over the self.

  1. Be Present. Live For Today.

The present is all that we have anyway.  When we live in the present, we experience flow.

We do better work.  We eliminate anxiety and we thwart fear.

  1. Learn Something New.

There are literally limitless opportunities to learn.  You can learn a new skill or a new language.

You can learn strategies and tools that will help you to cultivate your existing talents and abilities.

It gives us confidence. Build on what you know every day.

  1. Exercise and Eat Healthy Foods.

The better we eat, the better we’ll feel. The more we move, the better we’ll feel.

This habit is also one that will create immediate results.

  1. Have few Close Relationships (at least 5 )

Having a few close relationships keeps people happier and help us live longer, with a higher quality of life.

True friends really are worth their weight in gold.

Every time you connect with those close to you, you further strengthen those bonds and give yourself a little boost of happiness at the same time.

  1. Detach From Results. Focus Only On Actions.

We pursue goals because we want a result, and there is nothing wrong with this.

When detaching from results‒and focusing only on our actions, on being present at each moment, and on giving the very best that we have‒becomes a habit, we have great possibilities for happiness.

  1. Live Life As A Great Experiment.

When we are kids, anything is possible.

Life is one giant experiment and we are the great scientists. There are no failures.  There is only feedback.

We are willing to experiment and try just about anything that interests us.  There are no limits.

Surprisingly, it can be the little things that have an outsized impact on our day-to-day happiness levels.


Each day do something to make you feel happy, until this becomes a habit…

YouTube video link of this topic: Happiness is a Habit – YouTube

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