
“The most important thing to remember is you must know audience.”

                                                                     … Lewis Howes

A story:

A Sunday school teacher asked the children in her class:

“if I sold my house and my car, had a big garage sale and gave all my money to charity, Would I get into Heaven?.”

“No” the children all answered.

“If I cleaned the school and other places every day, mowed the yard and kept everything neat and tidy, would I get into Heaven?.”

Again the answer was “No !”

Well she continued, “then how would I get into Heaven?.”

A five year old shouted out, “you got to be dead !”

Whatever the teacher asked was appropriate but these questions were not for the kids.

The result would be different if these were asked at a different level of students or in a different forum.


Plan your activity as per your end result requirement not the other way round.

Unless you know what you want.. every action and every activity taken may not lead you in the right direction.

YouTube video link of this topic:  Know Your Audience – YouTube

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